
Sunday, October 23, 2005

And the rest

Tagabukid has had its formatting gone gonzo:

Tagabukid in the City

Boyet has created a new blog:

boyet b

Imo's old blog:

i remember, i remember

backspaced ended her blog:


Bopis ran out of things to say:

tekstong bopis

Silentwater got really silent:

silent water

Siqtie has not written since 2004:

sarisaring adbentyurs

Continuation of Retirement Party

Lagsh's old site:

Pinoy Expat:

filipino expatriate

TwentyTwenty: Got older: http://twentytwenty.blogspot.com/

Ligaw na Dagitab is also putting down his pen. http://dagitab.pitas.com/

It's too bad that these writers have ended. But, I should be trying to get others up into the fray.

Retiring links

I'm going to be retiring some sets of blogs of people who have left their blogs or made it private. But I will post their links here, just in case they pick it up again. The point of karinderia is to gather the Pin@ys who write about their life in the world.

I'm retiring Valkyrie because she has not posted in more than a year. But just in case, here is her blog address:

Jason is going private with his blog: http://dynatica.blogspot.com//

Prem is changing his priorities:
Prem's Blog

Bundok Queen has not written in a while:
Boondock Queen

Lagsh's old site:

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