
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Blog Links as of 9/24/2006. Some don't work.

Dinuguan at Putong Puti

Gura's Blog

Blind Chatelaine's Poker Poetics



Mga Sikreto



Nesting Ground

words of the left handed







barbara jane's new blog


Renaissance Girl

Rants, Reflections, Realities



isip kamote

kulog ng berse


thebeebox II

Kengkengz Blog

Ate Sienna's Pansitan

Bang and Blame

Pepe Singapore

elf ideas

auntie patti koh


kat's scribbles

way out

tequila shots

flan, flan, flan

blogging bugs

on my plate

Lumpiang Shanghai

blog ka ng blog


nothing fancy


a gelay log



deeper shade of soul

ready 4 d race

boyet b 2



twisted by jessica

Pansit Malabon

My Everyday Manila

sari-sari store


shots form the street


vexed in the city


gigi goes gaga



Vs. the Philippines

sassy lawyer




Pansit Sotanghon

notes from the peanut gallery

Writing On Air

moons and eggs



nocturnal angel

jax place

notes from the peanut gallery

tissue paper world


Conyo Seur

living, loving, lusting

tagabukid in the city

Pansit Bihon




kwentong tambay

Itlog na Pula

my life...


Apol the Great


Ka Uro

Now What, Cat?


Rice Bowl Journals

Globe of Blogs

Blog Search Engine

Blogroll Me!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Filipino Biologists



Monday, April 03, 2006

Mga kandidato sa links


Sunday, April 02, 2006

The irony of a Kano Telling US bonr Pin@ys what constitutes Pin@y

Clueless Joe is an example of how Americans approach a problem.

1. State the nature of the problem.
2. Let me solve it according to my experience.
3. You can now rest.
4. There is no further need of dialogue.
5. I am correct and everyone else is wrong.
6. Critiques are not accepted.

Bwahhahahha. Yes, I, Joe Kano, by virtue of walking around in Visayas with my Visayan girlfriend can now tell a US born Pilipino what it means to be Pin@y.


The Best Philippine Short Stories


How Should a Filipino Speak?

In my quest to bring together writings by Pin@ys to attention to a wide audience, I'm going to use this blog to update my search from the internet of noteworthy writings.

How should a Filipino speak?

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The Danes always need a little help in placing me within their social
framework. They want to know what I am, and why I am like this. They
ask me, "Where are you from?" and I tell them the truth, "The
Philippines." The question that inevitably follows is, "You speak
with an American accent; have you lived in the States?" A few people
actually assumed I was from the States.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

The Danes always need a little help in placing me within their social
framework. They want to know what I am, and why I am like this. They
ask me, "Where are you from?" and I tell them the truth, "The
Philippines." The question that inevitably follows is, "You speak with
an American accent; have you lived in the States?" A few people
actually assumed I was from the States.

So the strapping young people at Roskilde University (RUC) inquire, as
do the body-builder behind the counter at the gym, and librarians and
other professionals meeting me for the first time, and even one of my
teachers, whom I happily managed to have lunch with at the university
canteen after class.

I could shrug and say, "This is a Filipino accent. All my friends in
Manila speak like this," and leave them to wonder.

But I don't-not anymore-because the truth is, I have lived in the
States, as a child; and I do speak more fluently and with a slightly
more American inflection than most Filipinos, and after years and years
of worrying about it, I no longer feel I have to apologize for this
fluency, or be magnanimous about its obvious advantages, or be
embarrassed because I don't sound like a "true" Filipino, whatever
that is.

So I tell them the facts-the year in New Jersey when I was nine, and
the Americanized subculture of Silliman University in Dumaguete, where
I grew up. The school was founded in 1901 by missionaries; within its
boundaries American culture has always been something to aspire for and
acquire, even during the nationalist seventies and eighties.

The MA students at the RUC are taking a course in postcolonial
literature-a required course, not an elective-so they can
immediately contextualize American missionary education and understand
its impact on the Third World.

At first I found having to explain myself all the time quite unpleasant
feelings no doubt shared by many university-educated Filipinos who have
lived or traveled abroad. I have a choice, I suppose: I could say-"I
am from Måløv town, in København county," where I live at present.
But my politics doesn't run in that direction-wherever country I
choose to settle and, however long I stay, I will always define myself
as "from the Philippines," originally and at the present time.

Furthermore, I have come to the conclusion that their curiosity has
little to do with the novelty of a brown-skinned woman equipped with
good language skills, than with the global phenomenon of
Americanization and the ascendancy of English as a world language.
Danes are often remarked to be extremely proficient in English next to
other Europeans. They learn it in school at age 9 or thereabouts; my
classmates (most of whom are in their 20s) would probably have received
instruction in the language a bit later, at age 11 or 12.

For English, in Denmark, is both a second language to the populace and
a foreign language in schools-and as such, it is taught with the
strictest adherence to pronunciation and grammar. Only two kinds of
English pronunciation are accepted in schools-"British" and
"American." What constitutes proper British or American pronunciation
is material for an entirely separate discussion, but it has slowly
dawned on me that when youngish Danes compliment a foreigner for her
articulacy, they are doing so in the context of a strict school-based
system that grades their oral proficiency on a standard scale of 1 to
13, a framework in which they, too, are foreigners.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Spanish Music

10:01 Concierto de Aranjuez Joaquin Rodrigo

Sunday, October 23, 2005

And the rest

Tagabukid has had its formatting gone gonzo:

Tagabukid in the City

Boyet has created a new blog:

boyet b

Imo's old blog:

i remember, i remember

backspaced ended her blog:


Bopis ran out of things to say:

tekstong bopis

Silentwater got really silent:

silent water

Siqtie has not written since 2004:

sarisaring adbentyurs

Continuation of Retirement Party

Lagsh's old site:

Pinoy Expat:

filipino expatriate

TwentyTwenty: Got older: http://twentytwenty.blogspot.com/

Ligaw na Dagitab is also putting down his pen. http://dagitab.pitas.com/

It's too bad that these writers have ended. But, I should be trying to get others up into the fray.

Retiring links

I'm going to be retiring some sets of blogs of people who have left their blogs or made it private. But I will post their links here, just in case they pick it up again. The point of karinderia is to gather the Pin@ys who write about their life in the world.

I'm retiring Valkyrie because she has not posted in more than a year. But just in case, here is her blog address:

Jason is going private with his blog: http://dynatica.blogspot.com//

Prem is changing his priorities:
Prem's Blog

Bundok Queen has not written in a while:
Boondock Queen

Lagsh's old site:

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Managed to find the Merman Chronicles. Alas, Sarisaring Adbentyurs seems to have closed up shop.

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